On this page I present some of my works that I have produced on behalf of the Majolika-Manufaktur Karlsruhe, on behalf of private customers, as well as for my own use.
Demeter statue
owned by the artists' pub Karlsruhe-Daxlanden
Freehand modeling: Harald Korneth
"Apotheosis"- (Triptych 190 cm X 90 cm) ( customer order)
The elevation of a human being to a god (or god-like human being) was very common in ancient times in the Roman ruler cult .
Design / freehand modelling and painting: Harald Korneth
Stoneware on wood / acrylic - sand structure
Relief: St. Christopher (customer order for art in architecture)
Design and freehand modelling: Harald Korneth
The portrayal of the ARD Disney Club presenter "Benni" during a recording of the ARD team for the Disney Club show
Design ARD and Harald Korneth
Freehand modelling: Harald Korneth
- Hoplite; Roman bust; leg study -
Freehand modeling: Harald Korneth
Customer order according to template
Freehand modelling : Harald Korneth
“Deus lo vult!” “God wants it!”
Call for the liberation of Jerusalem by Pope Urban II on November 27, 1095 at the Synod of Clermont
Design / freehand modelling: Harald Korneth
Nativity scene : designed by me and manufactured for reproduction via the product line of Majolika Manufaktur Karlsruhe
Presented here as a raw master mold, adopted in the manufacturer's product range under various glazes, as well as terra colors. (see: Press/Excerpt from the homepage of the Majolika Manufaktur Karlsruhe)
Prototype: Design / Freehand modeling: Harald Korneth
-subsequent serial production
Customer order: -Design / freehand modelling and painting: Harald Korneth
Stoneware painted and patinated
Design / freehand modelling and painting: Harald Korneth
Stoneware painted and patinated
Sometimes, people have their brains messed up by constant commercials, thrown at their feet and then devoured with pleasure!
A parody of media advertising manipulation.
Design / freehand modelling and painting: Harald Korneth
Stoneware patinated
Design / freehand modelling and painting: Harald Korneth
Stoneware painted and patinated
Design / freehand modelling and painting: Harald Korneth
Stoneware painted and patinated
Portrait meiner Frau inspiriert durch diverse Lucas Cranach Vorlagen aus der Zeit um 1510-1520. Freihandmodellierung und Bemalung: Harald Korneth
Steinzeug bemalt
Fireplace inspired by various models from the early 16th century.
Basic model - Styrodur with screed coating, on which I applied free-hand modeled stoneware applications.
-then patinated
Consoles inspired by various models around 1500
Unique items
Freehand modelling and painting: Harald Korneth
Stoneware patinated
various skull types
Unique items
Freehand modelling and painting: Harald Korneth
Unique items
Stoneware painted
Supernova: The bursting power of a dying star
Material: Majolica red iron oxide earthenware with partially applied selenium red glaze. Gap and filling: own combination of various metal oxides, the result of which is a dark, slightly iridescent metal effect. Base: custom-made to own specifications: rusted and post-treated industrial steel.
Design / freehand modelling and painting: Harald Korneth